Do you have an app idea but need some help getting it created and out there for the world to use? Why not contact Helios Studios and we can help you create your app and get it published for all of the smartphones and tablets available today
Our every day apps package is our catch all package for those apps that people wake up to every morning and use throughout the day. They range across a variety of categories from news to entertainment, sport to business apps. If you feel you have the next big idea, we can help it become a reality
Our retail apps package does exactly what it says on the tin. If you have a business and are interested in expanding your retail market to smartphones and tablets, we can help that become a reality. We will make sure your user’s experience is perfect from start to finish and that you are happy with everything before release
Have you came up with an idea for the next Angry Birds? If so and you aren’t sure what to do next, contact us and let us help you get it created and onto smartphones and tablets for people to enjoy. We can help you create all your content and graphics as well as testing your final product prior to release